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Artav for your PC's

Computer viruses are increasing rapidly in number and becoming more dangerous for the computer it self. For advanced computer user, it is not a big matter for them to find and get rid of the viruses manually. But for the beginner or maybe intermediate user, viruses could be so disturbing and hard to beat. At the highest infection the viruses are potential to damage not only the software but also the hardware of your PC’s.
Antiviruses are simple answer for this problem. There are so many well known names for antiviruses programs either the one that could be downloaded freely or paidly. AVG, Avira, McAfee and Avast are the samples of famous antiviruses that could be downloaded as sold software and also as freeware. For Indonesian context there are several names that you can count on to fight against local and global viruses such as Smadav, Ansav, PC MAV and Morphost. A new comer at Indonesia’s antiviruses directory which suddenly becoming popular nowadays in Indonesia is Artav Antivirus. The name is an abbreviation of the founder’s name : Arrival Taufik, a teenage who is studying for the second year at public junior high school in Bandung, West Java. What inspires him to create an antiviruses software was his problem with these computer viruses which forced him to reinstall the damaged OS or other programs. He studied how the viruses work and infected the computers and find his own way to prevent the infection or even repair the infected files at the second alternative and forced to delete it as the last alternative. The kid said that he’s just a programmer but not so creative to make the design, so he leave the interface design to his brother. As a result, the appearance is attractive especially for young people like them. This software now is at 2.7 edition and is compatible if you combine it with Microsoft Security Essential. Artav also designed to help you surf the internet safely and is regarded as top indonesia’s antiviruses today. More than 200.000 internet surfer had download this program. They are not only indonesian but also foreigners from several nations. You can try it and see whether it will be helpfull or even useless to protect your computer from those bad destroyers. Just visit www.artav-antivirus.com .

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